28 March 2018

March 24, 2018 - #MarchForOurLIves

I attended the Kalamazoo contingent of the walk on March 24, 2018. It was inspiring, invigorating, and hopeful. We gathered at Western Michigan University's flag pole meeting spot.

There were people of all ages and a few dogs.
We heard a variety of young speakers, all eloquent. Then we walked the mile and a half from there to our city center.

There was also a peaceful contingent of the opposition. Mostly their signs said, "Let's talk!"

The newspapers reported over a 1,000 participants walking.

Here are some of the signs displayed by marchers. Mine is first.

I loved this green one. Makes sense to me.

But the one that got me most (although no photo), said, "Will I be next?" This held by a sad faced mid-teen. That drew a tear on my part.

The march ended in Bronson Park in downtown and a few more insightful speeches by youth.

I remember when my friends and I rallied to end the Viet Nam war. It was a move in the right direction in spite of government cover-ups, huge war time spending, and massive loss or ruin of human life...for the sake of saying "we won!"

My hope is that these young people, their parents, friends, community, and governmental dignitaries make the difference and stop this gun-killing insanity.

Don't gloat; get out the vote. That is the way to make yourself heard and make constructive changes in bringing archaic gun laws up-to-date. You go, young folks!

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